The sessions proposed by our commercial partners will provide an exciting opportunity to learn new research insight and engage.
Visit the online programme for more detailed information – Click here
1615 – 1700
Room: Liffey A
Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) the game changer in prevention
Speaker: Dr Klaus Dieter Bastendorf
Session Details
After 50 years, the findings from the work of Axelsson and Lindhe are still the basis for implementing prevention in everyday practice. In addition to a preventive practice philosophy and a qualified team, the GBT systematic protocol focusses on the recall sessions for long term maintenance.
New scientific findings and technical progress have made it necessary to rethink and redesign the protocol. Today, based on scientific findings, biofilm management is in the focus (Marsh 2004) of Professional Mechanical Plaque Removal (PMPR). Technical progress (Airflowing, PIEZON NO PAIN) has ensured that biofilm, discoloration and calculus can be removed better, faster, more gently and with less pain.
In 2015, the company EMS, Nyon, in collaboration with practitioners, university teachers and the Swiss Dental Academy ( SDA), published the new scientific findings and technical progress in Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT). GBT is the game changer when it comes to modern preventive concepts and procedural protocols.
The funding for this session is supported by EMS, Nyon
1730 – 1830
Room: Liffey Meeting Room 2
State-of-the-art Periodontal Therapy for Every Patient – The EFP Clinical Practice Guidelines
Speaker: Professor Moritz Kebschull
Session Details
This seminar will present the new periodontal treatment guidelines for stages I-III and stage IV developed by the European Federation of Periodontology.
Based on the new classification of periodontal diseases, the EFP has developed a set of clinical practice guidelines using the S3-level format, arguably the highest quality level available today. This format combines a clear formal appraisal of the available evidence with the combined clinical “common sense” of a representative guideline group. This shall ensure that the clinical recommendations are robust and free of external undue influence. The session will explain the process of how the guidelines were developed and how consensus was achieved across oral healthcare professionals and stakeholders – including the dental hygiene community in Europe.
The clinical practice guidelines were developed separately for stage I-III periodontitis and the most severe form, stage IV periodontitis. Importantly, the sequence of treatment for all stages of periodontitis is structured into five steps of periodontal treatment that allows for easy implementation in clinical practice. This session will demonstrate how to apply the different clinical recommendations in the different steps in clinical practice to improve the overall quality of periodontal treatment for patients and to drive improved outcomes.
Funding for this session is provided by NSK Europe.
0830 – 0900
Room: Liffey Hall 1
HAPI Mothers: The role of oral health in birth outcome improvements
Speaker: Michelle Starke
Session Details
Oral health can play a critical role during pregnancy. Available research correlates poor oral health with adverse pregnancy outcomes. This short session will dive into the impactful findings of a public health initiative based on 16+ years of data through the University of West Virginia, where focus was directed at women in high risk groups for poor birth outcomes. Although the primary learning of the initiative focuses on the financial impact associated with reversing or stopping negative trends, this session will also review the implemented protocols, education and routines from an oral healthcare standpoint that contributed to improved outcomes.
As patient educators, the dental hygiene community is well poised to be a key resource to patients in this critical stage. Leading patient conversations with sound data and recommendations, broadens the view of Oral health within the overall health ecosystem and positions patients in this life stage for a healthier, happier experience.
Funding for this presentation provided by Philips
1030 – 1130
Room: Auditorium
GBT is Teamwork
Speaker: Pamela Maragliano‐Muniz, RDH, DMD, FACP
Session Details
Biofilm is responsible for dental and periodontal disease and its effective management becomes more difficult as disease increases in severity. Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) has revolutionized the dental hygiene appointment and provides a framework for effective communication between the dental hygienist, patient and dentist. When patients and dental clinicians have a mutual understanding of disease state and the specific role each have in the promotion on health, overall outcomes are improved. This lecture will discuss the introduction and implementation of GBT into clinical practice, the indications and benefits for various populations of patients and improved clinical and practice outcomes.
Funding for this session is provided by EMS
1030 – 1130
Room: Liffey Meeting Room 3
Connected Technologies as a catalyst for oral health behaviour change and improved oral health outcomes – implications for dental hygienists
Speaker 1: Georgios Kitsaras,PhD MPH MSc FHEA AFBPsS CPsychol
Speaker 2: Dr. Richard Hogan, MFDS PhD MBA BDS
Session Details
It is acknowledged that patient behaviour can impact oral health outcomes and, given the recent and ongoing dental landscape, patients have had to take even more responsibility for their own health. This, in turn, has created increased opportunities for engagement around oral health behaviour change. Dental hygienists are often on the front lines helping patients manage this behaviour change so understanding the mechanisms underpinning behaviour change is essential for success.
Oral health behaviour change is gaining momentum with a number of established behaviour change theories, frameworks and techniques. As in other health disciplines, within oral health, connected technologies can act as drivers to support and sustain changes in behaviours. With a variety of technologies on hand, the application of behaviour change theories, frameworks and techniques through the lens of connected technologies in increasing patient motivation for improved oral health will be discussed.
Connected technologies transform oral and overall health by helping to improve clinical outcomes and deliver personalised experiences. These technologies can enhance our understanding of clinical and patient-reported outcomes in the area of oral health improvement and personalized prevention.
This session will conclude with a forward-look to the future of connected oral health and the emerging opportunities in areas such as the triangulation of oral health data with other health metrics, the relationship between oral-systemic health and the drive to elevate oral health as an essential part of health and wellbeing. It will be discussed how hygienists can play a key role in behaviour change and adoption of connected technologies.
Funding for this session is supported by Colgate-Palmolive.
1145 – 1230
Room: Auditorium
Periodontitis – It’s time to look outside the mouth
Speaker: Dr Varkha Rattu
Session Details
The pathophysiology of the substantive tissue damage seen in periodontitis involves a paradigm comprising a dysbiotic biofilm leading to an exaggerated host immune-inflammatory response. As a result, a shift in contemporary research towards therapies modulating the individual’s host response has been evident in recent years.
It is well established that there is a bidirectional link between periodontitis and diabetes. Poor glycaemic control increases the risk of periodontitis about three-fold, with a higher prevalence of diabetic complications in those with comorbid periodontitis. Our current understanding of the impact of diabetes on periodontitis involves the activation of the immune and inflammatory responses resulting in an upregulated systemic response. This results in local tissue damage, increased breakdown of the periodontal connective tissues and resorption of the alveolar bone. The upregulated systemic response in those with periodontitis can impair insulin signalling and increase insulin resistance resulting in elevated HbA1c levels.
The economic burden of periodontitis has been discussed in the European Federation of Periodontology’s (EFP) commissioned report published by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) – ‘Time to take gum disease seriously: The societal and economic impact of periodontitis.’ One of the four key recommendations they made was ‘better integration of dental and general healthcare is required.’ A new service initiative, implemented by our sponsored speaker, within a district general hospital in Wolverhampton (West Midlands, England, United Kingdom) echoes the importance of this. This project, which promoted inter-professional collaborations, involved integrating a periodontal review within a diabetic consultation and designing a tailored oral health pack for diabetic patients. Incorporating a whole team approach to tackle all aspects of patients’ oral and general health was the source of success to this project. The project, which was recognised nationally winning the British Society of Periodontology (BSP) Audit Award, will be discussed to allow our audience to consider clinical initiatives beyond their traditional role. In addition, this presentation will discuss examples of other clinical initiatives which can improve the periodontal and general health of our periodontitis patients.
TePe are committed to improving the long-term well-being and quality of life for people via raising awareness of the connection between oral and general health. This presentation aims to revitalise the diagnostic reasoning required for dental professionals to comprehensively manage periodontitis patients using our current understanding of the research.
1145 – 1230
Room: Liffey Meeting Room 2
The art of early caries detection and innovative clinical approaches – Part 1
Speaker 1: Prof Guglielmo Campus
Speaker 2: Prof Gianna Maria Nardi
Session Details
Caries is one of the most widespread disease in the world, affecting nearly 2.3 billion people. Delayed detection and diagnosis means that the only way to treat the tooth is to perform a restoration. Therefore, detection of caries in its early stages is critical for dental professionals to be able to offer conservative treatment options and avoid invasive restorations.
In this first part of the course, participants will be given the opportunity to further explore the importance of early caries detection and methods available for its diagnosis. In addition, the identification codes for caries recognition will be introduced.
Subsequently, adequate lifestyles, nutrition and oral hygiene habits will be presented together with clinical maintenance approaches to limit the risk of demineralization and ensure enamel’s health and beauty.
Prof. G. Campus, a world-renowned cariologist, will revisit the concept of caries progression for early detection of enamel lesions. Prof G.M. Nardi, an expert in prevention protocols, will illustrate innovative clinical approaches on the detected lesions.
1345 – 1445
Room: Liffey Hall 2
Transforming the Art of Gum Health
Speaker: Dr Reena Wadia
Session Details
The language of dentistry is changing, and gum health is now at the forefront of dentistry and healthcare. Periodontal disease is the most common disease of humans and can have an impact on general health. Across the wider industry there is the aesthetic demand of creating the perfect smile where the healthiest and strongest foundation is crucial. The climate across the health industry has prioritized people to become a lot more alert of ensuring they are the healthiest version of themselves.
In addition to the essentials of health, cutting-edge gum aesthetics is one of the mostly highly demanded requests at our high-tech clinic on Harley Street. Unsurprisingly, it is now one of the most frequently reviewed topics in the press.
The predictability of treating and maintaining health and aesthetics is vitally largely dependent on the highest quality equipment and proven protocols.
Ensuring we are highly reactive to the constantly changing guidelines on periodontal management is crucial when we are providing the most optimal experience within our practice. Working directly on the frontline and founder of one of the leading specialist periodontal clinics based in London, I wanted to share with you personally my direct experience and support you in applying this in your own practice.
Funding for this session is supported by Young Innovations
1345 – 1445
Room: Liffey Meeting Room 2
Individual Patient! Individual Treatment?
Speaker: Dr. Romana M. Krapf
Session Details
Various treatment concepts are still focusing on treatment of a single oral disease to maintain or restore oral health. This lecture will show how to shift from this one-dimensional approach to a patient oriented individual oral health approach.
Today we know that there is an interaction between oral and general health. Many aspects of general health e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, preterm birth or obesity have a major influence on oral health and may even aggravate oral diseases.
Consequently, the anamnesis, the findings and the diagnostic assessment are of major importance for an individual, patient-orientated therapy and a successful treatment.
The patients’ therapy must be adjusted to his local and systemic risk factors. Treatment failures can be avoided, and success chances can be improved by planning the patients’ therapy carefully in advance.
The dentist and the dental hygienist require the necessary knowledge about these interactions to inform the patient not only about individual risks in the oral cavity but also about the possible effects on the entire body.
Funding for this session is supported by W&H
1345 – 1445
Room: Liffey Meeting Room 3
Time to take Gingivitis seriously…. The future is in your hands
Speaker 1: Dr Stephen Mason
Speaker 2: Dr Charles Parkinson
Speaker 3: Rhiannon Jones
Session Details
The importance of oral health (and its linkage to general health and well-being) has seen a resurgent interest over the past few years, from the Global Burden of Disease Study, The Lancet Commission on Oral Health and the 2021 WHO Resolution on Oral Health. While the upgraded 2017 periodontal disease classification excludes gingivitis the role of gingivitis as an essential precursor to periodontal disease is unequivocal. Thus the most recent analysis of the economic cost of periodontal disease to healthcare systems in Europe, reported by the EFP in 2021, concludes that one of the most cost-effective treatment/management strategy (greatest ROI) for reducing the economic burden of periodontal disease is the prevention and management of early-stage gingivitis.
This session will focus on the important role of the dental hygienist throughout the gingival health journey of their patients, in light of these recent oral health policy initiatives, How their engagement with the patient / consumer in the prevention and management of early-stage gingivitis through appropriate selection of consumer products and behavioural change initiatives supporting mechanical cleaning may have a significant health outcome and economic benefit to society. It will discuss the clinical evidence for a 67% sodium bicarbonate toothpaste as a highly effective plaque reduction/removal strategy leading to clear clinical improvements in gingival health. The results of a recent meta-analysis on all the available clinical evidence will be reported together with innovative techniques for engaging with patients and consumers to encourage behavioural changes.
Funding for this session is supported by Haleon
1500 – 1545
Room: Liffey Hall 2
Enhanced Prevention to Reduce Intervention – the extension of the dental hygienist’s role in reducing the burden of oral systemic disease
Speaker: Eilish Duffy RDH
Session Details
The oral-systemic connection has been of interest to healthcare scientists for over 100 years with the first documentation “The human mouth as a focus of infection” published in The Lancet by Miller, W.D (1891). The oral cavity is home to 700-800 known bacterial species with predictions that the real number may be as many as 1,200. Oral microbiomes or biofilm have the potential to induce chronic inflammation or infection in an opportunistic environment, for example, Gingivitis and Periodontitis both oral inflammatory diseases in the mouth or infective endocarditis, infection within the heart muscle often caused by the oral microbiome.
Chronic inflammation, also referred to as slow, long-term inflammation can occur anywhere in the body, lasting for prolonged periods of several months to years. Depending on the degree and extent of inflammation controlled by the “host-response” , this process becomes dysregulated and tissue damage can occur. The consensus of evidence indicates understanding the complex host-response mechanism is key to improving disease outcomes. Dental Hygienists are valuable members of the dental team who specialise in the prevention of non-communicable oral diseases principally, periodontal diseases. Strong evidence exists supporting the relationship between periodontitis and other systemic diseases, notably diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. The dental hygienist will be one of several professionals at the forefront of patient education for these patients and other patient cohorts with a diagnosis of non-communicable chronic diseases. This presentation will outline and demonstrate the extension of the dental hygienist’s role using currently available evidence to enhance preventative strategies. We know that, among persons diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, one-third present with severe periodontal disease and have a higher risk of poor glycaemic control, therefore, increasing the risk of oral and systemic complications. Furthermore, evidence suggests the presence of periodontitis indicates a 34% higher risk of cardiovascular disease (Blaizot, A. et al 2009) Patient education is imperative to tackle this burden of disease and dental hygienists have a role in research of these multiplex oral-systemic links. We will explore the level of awareness of persons with diabetes mellitus and persons with cardiovascular-related diseases concerning their oral health status and will look at the role of hygienists in current research in this field. This subject area is representative of TePe’s commitment to understanding and supporting through ongoing research the connection between oral health and general health. Through these initiatives, empowering the dental hygienist to enhance preventative strategies in relation to the oral and systemic disease association.
1500 – 1545
Room: Liffey Meeting Room 2
The art of early caries detection and innovative clinical approaches – Part 2
Speaker 1: Prof Guglielmo Campus
Speaker 2: Prof Gianna Maria Nardi
Session Details
Caries is one of the most widespread disease in the world, affecting nearly 2.3 billion people. Delayed detection and diagnosis means that the only way to treat the tooth is to perform a restoration. Therefore, detection of caries in its early stages is critical for dental professionals to be able to offer conservative treatment options and avoid invasive restorations.
In this second part of the course, participants will acquire further knowledge on the international classification of carious lesions and their recognition within clinical practice, with practical examples. Participants will also be given the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge on caries identification codes for an early recognition.
Subsequently, ergonomic, minimally invasive and customized clinical approaches involving remineralization will be presented according to the different clinical cases, to optimize the effectiveness of treatments dedicated to enamel health.
Prof. G. Campus, a world-renowned cariologist, will revisit the concept of caries progression for early detection of enamel lesions. Prof G.M. Nardi, an expert in prevention protocols, will illustrate innovative clinical approaches on the detected lesions.
1630 – 1800
Room: Liffey Hall A
Say Goodbye to Biofilm, Calculus and Stain: Leveraging Ultrasonics as a Triple Threat!
Speaker 1: Harold A. Henson, RDH, PhD
Speaker 2: Dani Botbyl, BA, RDH
Session Details
Are you maximizing your ultrasonic technology to its fullest potential? This unique workshop aims to elevate the knowledge and skill of participants by combining scientific research with hands-on activities focusing on how to effectively, efficiently, and safely disrupt/remove biofilm, calculus, and stain using ultrasonic technology. With the use of a specialized camera, the facilitators will provide live demonstrations and use mini-case scenarios to guide participants while they follow along using typodonts and a selection of magnetostrictive ultrasonic instruments. To enhance this learning experience ‘ultrasonic coaches’ circulate and provide immediate feedback while you train. You will be empowered to enhance your dental hygiene practice after completing this course! Note: users of both magnetostrictive and piezoelectric technology can benefit from the content of this session. Funding for this session is supported by Dentsply Sirona.
1630 – 1800
Room: Liffey Hall 1
Premature Enamel Wear: Prevalence, identification, impact and management.
Speaker 1: Professor Nicola West
Speaker 2: Ester Hoekstra, MSc
Speaker 3: Jonathan Creeth, PhD
Session Details
Dental erosion can be considered as premature tooth/enamel wear, brought on by softening of enamel surfaces primarily by exposure to dietary acids. The prevalence of dental erosion globally is on the rise, and affects the young and the old alike; yet awareness and understanding remain low amongst patients and clinicians.
This session will look into the prevalence and identification of dental erosion – otherwise known as erosive tooth wear – consider its impact on patients, and evaluate approaches to manage the condition. The panel of Experts will review the epidemiology of dental erosion in different parts of the world, and summarise the evidence regarding dietary and behavioural causes. Results from a new study of prevalence and incidence of dental erosion – and its links to other oral conditions – will be presented and considered in the light of recent studies, in various geographies and patient population groups. The panel will also present clinical case studies of mild and moderate dental erosion, to understand the impact on individuals of the condition as it progresses. The importance of incorporating toothwear examinations into clinical routines, so that the condition is identified early, will be stressed. Management options for these cases will be considered. Lastly, the panel will discuss the role of fluoride dentifrice in protecting enamel from attack by dietary acids, and how this helps manage the risk of dental erosion. Particular reference will be made to the clinical and laboratory science and data package supporting use of new Pronamel formulations.
Funding for this session is supported by Haleon / GSK Consumer Healthcare
1630 – 1730
Room: Liffey Hall 2
The Pandemic: How We Grew from Going Through
Speaker 1: Anna Peterson
Speaker 2: Lottie Manahan
Speaker 3: Faye Donald
Session Details
Nothing could have prepared us for the coronavirus pandemic. Many of the profession found themselves unemployed, facing debt and a very uncertain future. According to data collected by the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) of the more than 1,000 members who responded, 5% reported losing their job in the face of the pandemic. Additionally, 16% of these hygienists and therapists decided on a career change while 10% opted to retire early.
Of those back working more than half (56%) is working reduced hours when compared to pre-pandemic levels.
Access to dental care has been severely affected and is likely to continue to be for some time. Dental service design is quickly evolving, especially digitally.
A panel of 3 well known practicing dental hygienists discuss what the pandemic meant for them. How did their experiences impact on and change the way in which they now practice, whether positively or negatively?
It has been a pivotal experience for everyone, with many thriving in new and unchartered ways.
What lessons have they learned?
Why are they thriving post lockdown?
How have they adapted to reach patients with oral health advice and reassurance?
And, most importantly, what can we learn from them?
Funding for this session is supported by Oral-B P&
0900 – 1000
Room: Liffey Hall 1
6 Month Smiles: Stage I/II Periodontitis protocols for patient improvement
Speaker 1: Marilyn Ward, DDS
Speaker 2: Cindy Sensabaugh, RDH
Session Details
To complement non-surgical periodontal therapy, Periodontitis can be a manageable condition when simple routines are presented to and implemented by patients. Scaling and root planing are proven to be effective in the management of Periodontitis, however, frequency and time commitment often result in patient noncompliance in the adult population- contributing to advancement of the disease.
A recent in-vivo study will be explored, where the primary focus centered around in-office treatment protocols and patient tools that stabilized the effects of Stage I/II periodontitis over a 6 month period. It’s critical to emphasize home care routines that incorporate ideal tools to facilitate improvement. And, these tools should be easily implemented by patients with little to no learning curve or additive time.
As a secondary portion of this discussion, we’ll unlock ways to maintain patient compliance via available toolkits for the practice. A review of patient materials designed to simplify patient conversations, talk tracks and online assessment tools to boost immediate traction will also be provided.
Improving gingival health with speed and little to no learning curve is paramount to maintaining and improving patient outcomes in the adult population. Philips is committed to improving people’s health and well-being through meaningful innovation and education.
Funding for this presentation provided by Philips.
1030 – 1200
Room: Liffey Hall 1
Novel Developments in Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy: The EFP S3 Clinical Treatment Guidelines
Speaker 1: Jeanie Suvan
Speaker 2: Dagmar Slot
Speaker 3: Sofia Drivas
Speaker 4: Sabrina Griffith
Session Details
The recent EFP level S3 clinical treatment guidelines for the treatment of Stages I – III periodontitis supports an evidence based, personalised, minimally invasive approach to nonsurgical periodontal therapy. A step-wise framework, based upon the EFP/AAP classification of periodontal diseases, highlights key elements to ensure efficient and successful nonsurgical periodontal therapy. A one size fits all approach to periodontal nonsurgical therapy results in undertreatment for some patients and overtreatment for others, often becoming mundane for clinicians. A personalised phased approach, combining current oral hygiene and behaviour change techniques together with minimally invasive instrumentation techniques, facilitate nonsurgical treatment success and streamline post nonsurgical therapy treatment planning. The guidelines provide an opportunity for enhanced patient understanding and commitment to the lifelong journey of maintaining periodontal health which combined with clinician care gives every patient the best chance of success. This session will focus on clinical implementation of the guidelines emphasising a strategic approach through consideration of evidence and discussion of clinical case examples.
Funding for this presentation provided by Hu-Friedy
1130 – 1215
Room: Liffey Hall 2
The implementation of GBT in a direct access Dental Hygiene Clinic
Jolene Pinder, UK
Session Details
Jolene Pinder has implemented GBT at a direct access clinic in Scotland. During this session she will discuss the success of providing Dental Hygiene directly to the patient. Stating the stages of GBT and expanding on special populations who benefit from minimally invasive and pain free treatment.
Jolene will state the challenges and successes of putting prophylaxis at the front and centre of patient care.
Funding for this session is provided by EMS
1400 – 1500
Room: Liffey Hall 2
Health and innovation: facilitating health-related behaviour change.
Speaker 1: Mário Rui Araújo
Speaker 2: Ron Knevel
Speaker 3: Bo Danielsen
Session Details
Oral health care professionals are trained to offer the best treatment options to patients. Sometimes the best available option doesn’t meet the expectation or self-perceived need from the patient. The optimal solution from the perspective of the clinician is not always suitable for the patient. Many oral health professionals still apply biofilm control strategies through simple ways of transmitting information to patients. This strategy is often influenced, perceived, time pressure, practice guidelines, financial targets, issues of remuneration for preventive tasks or personal perspectives, preferences or beliefs.
Innovative evidence-based, structured, and individualised behavioural change strategies and techniques are not always applied. This tension can affect patient satisfaction, long term outcomes of the care provided by the oral health professional, and professional satisfaction.
Strategies are needed to support and coach patients to change and maintain their behaviour in order to control their oral health.
Dental biofilm management is a pillar in successful long term treatment outcomes. In this session innovative ways to connect with patients to facilitate behavourial changes are presented. In this interactive session the presenters will challenge the participants to reflect on their own preventive care practices. They will provide examples and ideas to revolutionise preventive oral care and discuss scenarios how to partner with patients in a thought provoking, creative and constructive environment.
Funding for this session is supported by Curaden.